Inspired By The Rich Beauty Of The European Countryside, Our Romantic Bouquet Reveals The Feelings You Have In Your Heart Freshpicked Pink And Red Blooms Are On Display Inside A Glass Vase Finished With Ribbon And Topped With A Banner Declaring Happy Valentines Day, Creating A Gift Theyll Long Remember, Allaround Arrangement With Red And Hotpink Roses And Pink Asiatic Lilies, Peruvian Lilies (Alstroemeria), Gerbera Daisies, And Limonium Accented With Assorted Greenery, Artistically Designed In A Clear Glass Vase Accented With A Pink Satin Ribbon Measures H, Topped With A Banner That Reads Happy Valentines Day, Extralarge Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Large Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Medium Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Small Arrangement Measures Approximately H X W, Locally Handdesign Each Arrangement, So Colors And Varieties May Vary Due To Local Availability, To Ensure Lasting Beauty, Asiatic And Peruvian Lilies May Arrive In Bud Form And Will Fully Bloom Over The Next Few Days.
About Fields Of Europe® Romance With Valentine’s Day Banner™
Inspired by the rich beauty of the European countryside, our romantic bouquet reveals the feelings you have in your heart. Fresh-picked pink and red blooms are on display inside a glass vase finished with ribbon and topped with a banner declaring “Happy Valentine’s Day,” creating a gift they’ll long remember.
Save money charged by wire services and order direct. Subs may be necessary Custom arrangements welcome. We are always willing to make an arrangement to fit your budget with similar styles and colors depending on availability. Call for details.